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How can one terminate the pregnancy at home corners?


How can one terminate the pregnancy at home corners?

Whenever women do have unplanned pregnancy it is necessary that she is aware of the best method which is medical abortion. Women are been allowed to have a self-induced abortion at home corners so that it can help women to get rid of the unplanned pregnancy. Women those who have a gestation period of 8-9 weeks can simply opt to have an abortion with the help of abortion pills. In most of the countries especially in USA women do buy abortion pill online and have a termination without seeking the help of the health care provider.

Why are women asked to make the use of 2 MTP kits?

As said before a medical abortion is been performed only if the gestation period of the pregnancy is not more than 8 weeks. This gestation period and the use of abortion pills are enough one to stop the growth of the pregnancy. If one is pregnant with more than 8 weeks then women are asked to make the use of 2 MTP kits. The 2 kits are to be used only if it is clearly been prescribed by the health care provider.

How does this pills for termination do work for getting rid of the pregnancy?

When you get pills such as MTP kit, it contains two different types of pills. While you make the use you can come across that it contains anti-progesterone as well as prostaglandin pill and these abortion pills work in combination so that it can help women to get rid of the pregnancy.

The first abortion pills from this kit is used so that it can help to stop the growth of the pregnancy. This medicine is been taken on the day so that it can cause hormonal changes and can help in smooth removal of the fetus.

The second medicine which is Misoprostol from the MTP kit contains prostaglandin pills and this works so that it can help to eliminate the fetus from the body.

Side effects

Heavy bleeding and mild abdominal cramping are the possible symptoms of the abortion which can be faced by women during the process. There are few other side effects which can be experienced followed by other side effects such as:

  • Nausea,
  • Dizziness
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting

Above mentioned side effects do not need any special medical attention unless they seem to be severe.


As mentioned above women are asked to first make the use of Mifepristone from the MTP kit. This abortion pill from the kit works by separating the uterus and the embryo. Once you are done with the first pill you need to administrate the second pill and this medicine works on contracting the uterus so that the pregnancy tissues can be smoothly flushed out from the body.

Post second medicine consumption women start to bleed heavily which is been followed by the cramping. You can have a light meal as well to keep yourself hydrated you need to consuming hydrating drinks. Once the bleeding stops women can have an ultrasound within 10-14 days so that it can help her to conclude the results of the termination.

In case of the incomplete abortion or the fetal tissues left in the body you need to make sure that you do seek a remedy which can help to get the fetal tissues removed completely. You can make the use of 2 kits of MTP kit online and make the leftover tissues removed from the body. Another alternative for this is one can undergo surgical termination after consulting the health care provider.